It’s Time to Ditch New Year’s Resolutions and Follow Your Heart

New Year

Over the years I have created numerous lists of goals or new year’s resolutions. Needless to say, most of the things on my lists didn’t get done. I gave up.

A resolution requires resolve or determination to do something. You have to use willpower to get things done. A goal is used to define a result or achievement toward which effort is directed. A goal is either accomplished or not. Progress doesn’t count, only achievements do.

If you achieve your goals, you are a winner. If you don’t, you are a loser.

Setting resolutions can be exciting but following through can become tedious and tiring.

Your heart’s desires come first.

The reason most resolutions and goals don’t work is that they require knowing what you want to do at the current moment.  If you lose your motivation for a short period of time, chances are most of the items on your list will not get done. Goals don’t deal with the bigger picture.

What are you really meant to do with your life? What do you really want to be, have and do in a lifetime?

Before you set goals, you need to have a clear idea of what your journey is about. This is the big picture desires, your wildest dreams.

You don’t have to be realistic or know how you’re going to get what you want. But you need to be specific. Being specific about what you desire will give you guidance on what action to take. It will give you a road map to your life.

There is nothing set in stone. Your desires can change over time as you grow and achieve, or simply change your mind. But they are the key to accomplishing anything meaningful in your life.

Why do you want what you want?

Goals and resolutions deal with  questions: WHAT, WHEN and HOW to achieve a result but not WHY.

Usually an honest answer to why you desire something will give you all the  motivation to get going. You won’t need willpower or discipline.

Don’t worry about the How and When.

If you have a true desire for something, you have within you all the ability to accomplish it. Do not doubt or question your heart.

Do not worry about when something is supposed to happen. It will show up when you are ready.

Start following your heart now.

Let your imagination go wild and make a list of the things that you desire the most. Forget about resolutions and goals.

I’m going to spend the next few days reflecting on what I want most and why I want it. I hope you do the same and get started on an exciting and rewarding experience.

The heart always knows what’s best. To your dreams & desires!

P.S. Think of what makes your heart sing.  If you don’t know what your heart’s desires are, don’t fret; just do what makes you happy now. The inspiration will come when you least expect it.